Disclaimer: NC Whiskey (www.nc-whiskey.com) is an independently run website, and is in no way affiliated with the North Carolina ABC or Wake County ABC board.
The wait is over: Wake County ABC has finally announced a product search feature on their website. This feature operates similarly to the ABC product searches that are offered by both Durham County and Mecklenburg County.
A great augmentation tool to the NC ABC Stock Status, which only provides periodic details at the State-wide level, the Wake County ABC product search allows customers to search for specific brands of whiskey, bourbon, tequila, or any other product. Results will include which stores have the product in stock, and the quantity.

Is The Wake County Product Search Feature Up-To-Date?
According to their website, this new search function on WakeABC.com is update twice daily. We have been unable to confirm if this is updated at the same time for all stores, or day-to-day. They offer a caveat that items that appear in stock online may not actually be in stock when you get to the store. This could be due to delays in the inventory reporting or other complications.
It’s also worth knowing that most stores reserve the right to distribute rare whiskey and bourbon in various ways. Some will put things on the shelf immediately, others will keep them behind the counter. It also may be true that a store will ring in their inventory before putting the stock out. This doesn’t mean they’re “hiding” anything in back, they just have a process.
Remember to always be patient with employees at your local ABC stores. The best way to find good whiskey is to foster great relationships with the people who keep it!
How To Find Rare Whiskey and Bourbon in Wake County, NC
This new feature from the Wake County ABC Board is a great way to help you track down good whiskey, though it will likely mean a mad rush to stores when the ‘tater bottles come in stock. Most really rare whiskey will likely still be released in the annual holiday lottery (sign up for our newsletter and we’ll let you know when we hear something).